Even though they are still in lockdown, most Britons are dreaming about their next holiday. However, with so much uncertainty around the industry, it’s hard to know when and where they will be able to go, once the coronavirus pandemic finally moves on and lets them come out of hiding.
Here’s a look at the current situation and what to expect in the near future.
Right now, the biggest issue facing the industry is the cancellations of the reservations that were to take place during the sanitary crisis. The biggest question surrounding the issue is: Who will pay the bill in the end? Some companies have already reimbursed their clients while others have provided them with a voucher to go on their trip at a later date. But there are still tourists awaiting news on the deposit they paid and this problem will need to be solved soon.
Not all countries will impose the same rules and regulations to the tourism business inside their border, so the solutions will vary according to where you bought your ticket or made your reservations. Therefore, it will be important to stay informed on the news from the country where you had planned to travel to. For those who were hoping to cross the Channel and spend some time in France, here is a website for French news.
UK citizens are optimistic that they can travel again soon. Statistics show that Britons love to visit other countries as 88% of them take some form of holiday every year. When asked how they felt about the probability that they would be able to do so before year’s end, their response was clear as 75% said they believed it would happen. 16% of the responders even responded that they’d be on a plane as soon as the government would say it was safe to do so.
The travel industry is also gearing up to go back to work soon, while they wait for governments around the world to give the green light which will see planes finally get off the ground. In the meantime, airlines and airports are working on safety measures which will see fewer passengers per flight as well as testing at both ends (departure and arrival).
Resorts are also getting ready to open their doors to tourists as they publish guiding rules to keep everyone safe. There will have to be adjustments as they move forward, but at least they will be ready and able to welcome their guests as soon as the world governments declare it is safe to do so.