How To Treat Vaginal Dryness

woman laying down

Vaginal dryness can be very uncomfortable and really affect your life. What is it and how can you treat it? Why not read our guide to get some basic facts and answers on how you can relieve that discomfort.

The majority of women will experience vaginal dryness at some point in their lives and it’s certainly not a condition to feel embarrassed about. Generally speaking, the majority of women will find that they have vaginal dryness problems during menopause when their oestrogen production slows down and eventually stops.

In fact, it has been estimated that one out of every three women will experience vaginal dryness at this point in their lives. However, vaginal dryness can occur at any age and it can be due to a number of different causes. Lack of vaginal moisture can have a huge impact on your life, it can be extremely uncomfortable and may have a detrimental impact on your sex life – but it can be treated.

A Correct Diagnosis

The first step to treating vaginal dryness is to have it correctly diagnosed. If you experience any burning, itching, or discomfort in the vaginal area, it is vital to make an appointment with your doctor or gynaecologist. Generally speaking, they will perform a quick pelvic exam to check your vagina for any signs of thinning or redness and at this point they can rule out any other problems, such as a urinary tract infection.

You may also find that your doctor or gynaecologist performs a quick ‘PAP’ test, where a few test cells are removed from your vaginal wall or cervix to check for any underlying problems. Both of these procedures are very quick and are they are usually painless.

What Treatments?

Once any underlying problems have been ruled out and your medical history has been assessed, it’s time to treat the symptoms of your vaginal dryness. There are a few ways that vaginal dryness can be treated, one of which is by using topical oestrogen therapy.

As low oestrogen levels can cause a number of cases of vaginal dryness (especially during menopause), topical oestrogen therapy can be very effective. This treatment can take on a number of forms, including the insertion of a soft, flexible ring into the vagina that releases oestrogen directly to the vaginal tissues, the taking of an oestrogen tablet or the application of a cream directly to the vagina.

If your vaginal dryness is not caused by a lack of oestrogen, your doctor may recommend other treatment options, such as the application of another kind of cream or even advice on changing your washing routine (many body washes contain harsh chemicals that can dry out the skin, including the vaginal area).

So if you are experiencing vaginal dryness, make an appointment with your doctor or gynaecologist today.

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